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Double Sided

Lotus - soprano

Lotus' - mezzo-soprano

Dragonfly - mezzo soprano



Double Sided is trying to illustrate the dilemma within an individual’s state of mind. The three characters, Lotus, Lotus’ and Dragonfly, represent three ways of thinking. Lotus and Lotus’ are in fact the two contrasting mental states within the same individual. While Lotus projects a strong self-confidence, Lotus’ tries to understand herself through a series of struggles, doubts, questions, and uncertainties. To Dragonfly, Lotus’s struggle looks simply unnecessary. The idea comes from the reality in our daily life, that sometimes we cannot control ourselves to act like someone else. The scene takes place in a drizzling pond. The text of Double-Sided uses selections from a Chinese poem A Small Pond by Yang Wan-li and a classical prose On the Love of Lotus by Zhou Dun-yi.

《愛蓮說》 周敦頤 (節錄)

On the Love of Lotus by Zhou Dun-yi (Excerpt) 

水陸草木之花,可愛者甚蕃。 自李唐來,世人盛愛牡丹;
Of the flowers across land and water, many are worthy of admiration.

Ever since the Tang Dynasty, people have been very much into peonies.


As for me, I am fond of the lotus, rising from silt but unsullied, washed in clear water but not vain, hollow within and straight without, neither clambering nor sprouting branches.



A Small Pond by Yang Wan-li



From fountainheads water streaks out thin and quiet.



Soft and Sunny are trees reflected in the pond.



A slim lotus leaf, not yet unfurled, scarcely appears.



When on its pointed tip a dragonfly is alighted.

Performed on 30 Jan 2018

Filmed and Edited by Nick Zoulek

© 2023 EDWARD WU.

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